AAHP Members-
We need your help!
Join us in advocating for SB58. This bill increases access to needed medications for our patients. Yesterday, the Arkansas Senate voted unanimously to move this to the House of Representatives. They will meet to discuss this week!
Please encourage all members of your team to contact our local representatives by using the link below.
Thank you,
Use this link to read SB58:
Sample letter:
Email subject line to draw attention: SB58 - FOR
Dear Representative XXXX,
As a hospital pharmacist, I want to encourage you to support SB58. Improving access to pharmacy services is essential to improving healthcare, enabling us to deliver life-saving and life-sustaining medications at the most reasonable cost for our patients. SB58 not only enhances access and strengthens network adequacy but also ensures that patients retain the ability to choose the pharmacy services that best meet their needs.
Access to medication is essential in value-based purchasing (VBP) models, where hospital reimbursements depend on meeting quality metrics like reduced readmissions and improved patient outcomes. Timely medication access and adherence are critical to achieving these goals. By directly managing medication delivery, hospitals can ensure coordinated care, support adherence, and meet payor requirements for quality outcomes. Without this involvement, gaps in care could negatively impact both patient health and reimbursement under VBP.
The passage of SB58 would strengthen our ability to serve our community, improve healthcare access, enhance network adequacy, and preserve patient choice. As the bill advances, I am eager to support your efforts and provide any additional information you may need to demonstrate its benefits to hospitals and patients statewide.
Thank you for your leadership and commitment to improving healthcare access and quality for Arkansans. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can assist further.
ASHP has developed free education on pain management that they've shared with our members. This 2.0-hour online activity is relevant to clinicians treating patients with pain in hospitals, health systems & ambulatory settings. This reviews the FDA’s Opioid Analgesic REMS to ensure that patients receive Medication Guides and information regarding the safety of these products.
ASHP Opioid REMS Education: https://elearning.ashp.org/products/12371
Calling all P3’s and P4’s! Please consider applying for the 2024 John Newton Memorial Scholarship.
Deadline: October 11!
This scholarship aims to promote lifelong education and leadership in future pharmacists by providing an *ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting registration for one P3 or P4 student.
Award recipient will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at the AAHP Fall Seminar on October 18.
Send required documents to Brandy at brhopkins@stvincenthealth.com
AAHP is seeking Award Nominations for the following:
Nomination forms for the above awards can be found, here.
Deadline for Nominations is Friday, September 6th.
Thursday, October 17 to Friday, October 18, 2024
Holiday Inn Little Rock Airport Conference Center 3201 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR, 72206 United States
Registration coming soon!
Arkansas Association of Health-System Pharmacists is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
Contact info@aahprx.org
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